How can you help???
The PTA helps helps our school purchase technology, programs and materials that are not in their budget.
How it's done...Teachers, families and local businesses work together to accomplish these goals by:
Participating in Family Nights (see calendar for dates)
Buying Spirit Wear
Box Tops for Education. This Program is changing but continue to send clipped Box Tops to school in a Ziploc bag.
Shopping at Kroger and earn money for Little River! Simply go online to krogercommunityrewards.com, register your Kroger Plus card, then go under Community to Community Rewards, sign in and enter NPO number 25639. Every time you shop with your registered Kroger Plus card Kroger will donate money to Little River PTA
Coke Rewards. On all Coke product caps, there is a Coke Reward Code. (On 12 and 24 packs with pop-tops, the code is listed inside the box). Please do not turn your caps or codes into school. Go to https://us.coca-cola.com/give/ to enter codes and Coke will donate to Little River PTA.
Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know that Amazon will donate to Little River PTA? To learn how goto: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/51-0227589
Thanks for all you do to make our school great!